Friday, June 26, 2009

On My Mind: Sick Days

I had to take a sick day this week. I hate taking sick days. I hate being sick. I hate the experience of calling (or sending an e-mail) and how carefully you have to compose it. How much detail is too much? How much is just enough to let them know that you a really are sick and you're not just staying home for the daytime TV?

Of course, no one would stay at home for the daytime TV. It's all fake small-claims courts and shows about birthing gone wrong. Programmers know their audience.

The worst of it, though, is waking up at 3:30 and realizing you've been asleep for five hours and you're still bored, and now you'll be awake - and bored - all night.


  1. My job is one where there are deadlines set and there is no way it'll be changed, dammit, so taking a sick day just giving yourself more work later on.

    Of course, that doesnt change the fact that I feel guilty for taking a day off. Whether it be a sick day or a vacation day, there seems to be this unwritten rule among the engineers that days are not to be taken off.

    I need a day off to watch daytime TV.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Imagine how much more productive we would be if we lived in a world where the workplace was based on what you accomplish, and not on punching a clock. Where if your tasks are done, you can go home early. Where surfing the web aimlessly for hours is just delaying your return to the outside world. Where every task completed gets you closer to sweet, sweet freedom...
